High availability Prefabricated Modular Data Center for needs up to 2 Racks.
Totally factory assembled and tested so that you just have to turn it on.
With Availabilities up to 99.99% Tier IV and a Plug & Play system, you just have to put it in its place and turn it on.
Maximum security for your data in STREET CABINET format, with steel structure and casing and lined with 10 cm insulation and fire resistance (EI120) material.
Its integral monitoring system will notify you when something happens and you will also be able to see how it is working at all times.
It can be configured according to your needs.
Faraday Tempest or Jaula protection against electromagnetic attacks.
Mainly used in socially or environmentally hostile environments.
Prefabricated Street Cabinet format that can be used both in the street and in special locations.
Fast placement with a crane, on the ground or embedded, which means that its IT infrastructure is ready to work in less than an hour.
Protection against Electromagnetic Attacks with specific Faraday Tempest or Faula construction.